Nachdem Covid19 aus medizinischer Sicht "durch" ist, hier jetzt also wieder das Thema Impfen in ganzer Breite...
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Masern in Europa - eine Erkrankung (auch geimpfter) Erwachsener...

Die Analyse eines Masernausbruchs, der pikanterweise 5 Monate auftrat, nachdem Spanien 2017 den Status der "Masernelimination" erreicht hatte (und der immerhin 8 Monate dauerte), zeigte ein in Europe mittlerweile typisches Bild solcher Ausbrüche:

  • es erkranken vor allem Erwachsene (125 von 154)
  • es erkranken in relevantem Maße auch Geimpfte (31 von 133 mit bekanntem Impfstatus)
  • ein nennenswerter Teil der Erkrankungen verläuft untypisch (modified measles - 28 von 154)
  • es kommt zur Weiterverbreitung auch durch geimpfte Infizierte

Hätte es jemals eines (weiteren) Beweises bedurft, wie medizinisch schwachsinnig in einer solchen, auch für Deutschland typischen epidemiologischen Situation die Masernimpfpflicht für Kinder ist...


Eurosurveillance | An interregional measles outbreak in Spain with nosocomial transmission, November 2017 to July 2018

Given sustained high vaccination coverage and enhanced surveillance for measles, Spain has been free of endemic measles transmission since 2014, achieving elimination certification from the World Health Organization in 2017. In November 2017, measles was introduced through an imported case travelling to the Valencian Community, causing an interregional outbreak. Here, we describe the outbreak using data reported to the national epidemiological surveillance network. The outbreak involved 154 cases (67 males, 87 females) notified in four regions; 148 were laboratory-confirmed and six epidemiologically linked. Most cases were adults aged 30–39 (n = 62, 40.3%) years. Sixty-two cases were hospitalised (40.3%) and 35 presented complications (22.7%). Two thirds of the cases (n = 102) were unvaccinated including 11 infants (≤ 1 year) not yet eligible for vaccination. The main route of transmission was nosocomial; at least six healthcare facilities and 41 healthcare workers and support personnel were affected. Sequencing of the viral nucleoprotein C-terminus (N450) identified genotype B3, belonging to the circulating MVs/Dublin.IRL/8.16-variant. Control measures were implemented, and the outbreak was contained in July 2018. The outbreak highlighted that raising awareness about measles and improving the vaccination coverage in under-vaccinated subgroups and personnel of healthcare facilities are key measures for prevention of future outbreaks.
Affenpocken - Impfstoffwirksamkeit wohl viel schle...
Influenza - kein Schutz Älterer vor Hospitalisieru...

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